Little Wonder Radio Plays: Download free radio shorts by PWG writers.


Little Wonder LogoWe are proud to announce the creation of a new radio station by Keith Crawford, one of our Paris Writers Group members.

Little Wonder Radio Plays, an independent production company, publishes full cast audio dramas from new and classic authors. Each piece is around ten to twenty minutes in length, perfect for your morning commute or while you’re doing the dishes, and is recorded like a film: full sound effects, professional actors, and plenty of action.

You can listen to the podcast through our host soundcloud:

Or as subtitled videos on Youtube:

Or via any number of social media and streaming outlets [click here]:

Or just pop the RSS code direct into your podcast app:

(If you’re reading this on your mobile phone and have a podcast app, clicking on that link should automatically subscribe you. Otherwise, copy and paste it into the application section entitled “RSS Feeds.”)

To keep up with what we’re doing, check out We release two plays a month, and have more than a dozen ready to publish. What we really need now is to grow our audience. Please take just a few seconds to listen, like, subscribe, comment and, most importantly, to share our work on social media. Your support is our success.

We are also running a play-writing competition! Send us radio shorts between 1600 and 2000 words long for no more than four actors. Submissions are open from July 13 – August 30, 2018. Full details can be found here [click]. 

If you would like to write for us, please enter the competition. All longlisted entries will receive feedback, all shortlisted will be performed, and the winner will be published as a full cast audio drama. Every entry will be read by the company director and if your work shows promise we’ll be in touch.  In the future you know where to find us: at the Paris Writers Group!