Corneliu Mitrache

Corneliu Mitrache

Corneliu Mitrache

From Romania to France via America

Born in communist Romania, Corneliu Mitrache gave up a career in aviation, swam across the Danube and immigrated to America.

Freshly graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in playwriting, Mitrache moved to New York. Waiting for Godex (formerly Godex Has Come) premiered at the Greenwich Street Theatre. A West Coast premiere followed shortly at the Attic Theatre in Los Angeles. Godex premiered in Paris in 2011 and will be performed at the 2012 Avignon Theater Festival. Le Monde, a leading French newspaper, wrote:
“With this play, Cornelieu Mitrache is not only doing a take off on Beckett, but also all those in the past who have questioned the human condition, such as Chekhov and Dostoyevsky, with a deft tenderness. His characters are very alive…”
I cannot recommend this play enough, so witty and moving…”

An old dream made Mitrache cross another river: the Seine. His first novel was translated and published as La Traversée du Styx by Editions Denöel/Gallimard, Paris. The novel caught the attention of the press, blogs and online magazines (see La Traversée du Styx). One of his screenplays, “Crossing the Danube,” is a contest winner, a BlueCat semi-finalist, and a Fade In Awards semi-finalist.

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