
Maggie Dugan

Maggie Dugan

Though reluctant at first, Maggie discovered the medium of blogging and fell in love with it. Her blog, Maternal Dementia chronicles her occasionally ambivalent experience as a mother, how she can love her children but not love the train wreck they’ve made of her life. Her manuscript, with the same title, will be published soon.

When Maggie’s not writing, she earns a living facilitating innovation workshops: helping scientists and academics develop more innovative research proposals, or developing new products and brand concepts, or leading basic creative process training.

You can also find Maggie on-line writing about her work at, and about how to belly up to her favorite bar in Paris. She has been published on paper, too, in a number of anthologies, including A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind (Breakthrough Press), The Wisdom of our Mothers (Familia Books), and A Generation Defining Itself (MW Enterprises Press). She is a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild (IWWG).